Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thang Kee Char Siew Rice

这一集的Muar Kaki有了新的创举!我们终于在阳光普照的时候出外猎食!由于我们的王编辑小姐已经远在他乡吃着Sashimi所有只好由始祖我再来继续这项编辑任务。
FINALLY this muar kaki blog has done something that has not been done before. We did a daytime food hunting! Since our beloved Ms. Wong has left the country and is happily eating sashimi in Japan, so I’m now in charged to write for this blog post again!
We decided to hunt food outside of Muar Downtown because we wanted to find something that is common yet uncommon for the food eater. Hence, we came to this Char Siew place, which was located at Bukit Pasir, Muar. It actually took up to 20-25mins for one to drive there. So, if you are sick of Muar downtown’s food for lunch, why don’t you ask your friends along to drive further and come here to have a try at this char siew food? For those who are driving up to S’pore, it’s definitely an “on-the-way” food for you. DO drop by and try it!
在我正式介绍这家店面时,容我献上一小段插曲。当我们的摄影小姐告诉我她想去武吉巴西吃午饭时,我真的真的傻眼了。表情是这样的 O.O 理由不为什么,只是诧然觉得是什么风把她吹向了巴西。因为毕竟大多数人都不会认为说巴西会有什么值得让你为了它,而必须驱至少15分钟的车才能吃得到的美食。好我承认我们绝对是偏向少数人啦。
这一家远近驰名的棠记手工面饭店售卖的不单单是叉烧而已。他们还供应烧肉,肥烧鸭和一些经济小炒,譬如姜炒猪肺,油菜等等。很多人可能会想说如果想吃叉烧的话,麻坡起码就有好几家不错的。但这一家棠记却独独有着麻坡叉烧店家所没有的肥叉烧!我们并没有吃到鸭肉因为我们只有两个人,而两个人如果还敢点很多的话,那一定会演变成“浪费”。但是我想说它的鸭肉配菜等应该都还不错,因为我看到很多≥4 所以说,如果你们有机会到这家店吃东西而且吃到很不错吃的菜色或鸭肉的话,那你不妨留言分享,好让更多人有机会品尝?

Before I introduce about this food stall, I would like to comment something about our Ms. Photographer’s decision on this food stall. I was pretty shocked O.O when I was told by Ms. Stt that we are going to Bukit Pasir to have lunch. I couldn’t explain what made her to decide on this location because I believe that majority of people would think that Bukit Pasir serves no good food and not to mention how far it is from Muar Downtown. Well, I have to admit that we belong to the minority.
This food stall, Thang Kee is offering some side dishes for the customers such as garlic fried bok choy, ginger fried pork liver, duck meat and etc. I saw some tables ordered the side dishes as well as duck meat especially for tables who have ≥ 4 people. We can’t order many dishes due to the number of people we have. So if you have the chance to go to this place and you order some others dishes that are worth to share, do just leave some comments here, okay?

Both of us ordered the exact same thing: char siew + shao rou/siew yok rice. The roasted pork I would say is fair taste. It did not differentiated much from what I have tasted at any stall from Muar Downtown. Some people would think that char siew must eat with siew yok, so I will still give credit on the combination of them and also you would not get sick of eating char siew only. 
Personally, I think this char siew was too oily and fattening for me. Yes, I would think that it is yummy and tasty, but I also guarantee that I will regret of eating it. Imagine how long it’s going to take to dissolve all the saturated fat? And what if it is not dissolved, then isn’t me will become fat woman?  Well, i’m not as skinny as our Miss Photographer. She said she likes the fatness of the meat, and yes she affords and bares the effect of eating it. I AM NOT. Somehow, I do agree that the char siew is soft (cos of the fat) and it will eventually melt in your mouth. The charcoal smell that was trapped in the meat would also spread out in your mouth once you eat it. We did not aware of the type of the char siew offered by Thang Kee as in they are actually offering two types of char siew: Fat and Lean. I would suggest each food eater to order a mix of the meat so that you could decide on your personal preference!
Roasted and barbeque pork rice
 两人其实对我们的这一顿午餐有一个不满, 那就是我们的辣椒酱竟然是冷的!L 我个人其实对辣椒酱是非常非常地讲究,不管是吃鸡饭也好,叉烧饭也罢,配饭的辣椒绝对扮演着重要的角色!我其实对他们的冷辣椒酱很失望 :/ 其实我也不是很确定说他们所有的辣椒酱都是冷的还是只有们这桌 因为我看到其他桌的辣椒酱都是装在罐子里的,而我们的却是装在一个杯子里,需要汤匙把它舀出来。我是有在想说会不会他们已经没有罐装的辣椒里所以他们把收在冰箱里的辣椒酱拿出来用?而且我也看到有位侍者来到我们这桌,舀了几汤匙的辣椒包起来给外用的客人。好啦,这一些其实都应该另当别论,以事论事。(ps: 不好意识,我就是一个钟爱辣椒的人,所以请多包涵)

There was one disappointment both of us had agreed on the meal we had. THE CHIILI SAUCE WAS COLD L I’m the type who is super duper particular on the chilli sauce regardless chicken rice la, char siew peng la, or whatever dishes. I just simply love the meal with chilli sauce. They served me the cold chilli sauce :/ This is truly disappointing me lor. I wasn’t really sure whether they served it for all customers or just our table. I saw the chilli sauce was served in bottle for the table beside us, but ours were served in a container and we needed to scoop it out. Was it because they have out of chilli bottle so that they just served something that they have kept it for take-out customers? There was one server who actually came to our table to pack one chilli sauce for take-out purpose. This is subject for further discussion then. (ps: SORRY la, I know I am really fussy about the chilli =.=Bare with me please. )
Overall, this char siew rice belongs to satisfactory category. The main selling point would be the uniqueness of the meat texture. If you have sick of those dry and hard char siew texture, then I think this place will provide another substitute for char siew.
总计 Total: RM 10

Kedai Makan dan Minuman Thang Kee   (棠記手工麵飯店)

Closed: Every Sunday

Operating hours: 9am-2:30pm

Contact number: 019-667 6095

Location:No. 1-13, Jalan Panchor, Taman Bukit Pasir, 84300 Bukit Pasir, Muar, Johor. 

GPS Coordinates: 2.0997867, 102.6416522
Written by: LTL
Photograph by: STT


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